
DIRTT Architectural Solutions

Sedgwick Business Interiors + DIRTT

In a changing world, how can you quickly and efficiently build a resilient space, that is safe, sustainable, tailored precisely to your needs, and able to adapt to changes in the future?

DIRTT is interior construction powered by technology.

Resilient modular interiors are built faster, cleaner, and more sustainably. We use our proprietary technology to empower the design process, manufacture with precision, and rapidly install customized spaces. DIRTT has built flexible spaces for over 7800 clients across North America.

Walls, doors, casework, integrated technology, power, networks and more are all rapidly designed and built with extreme precision in DIRTT factories. Then, they're shipped to site for a clean install.

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Custom is standard.

DIRTT’s authorized partners work alongside your project team to translate the design vision into DIRTT solutions. Instead of picking from a catalogue of off-the-shelf options, every part, material and finish is selected, sized, and manufactured to meet the form and functionality you need.

On budget. On time.

DIRTT’s manufacturing software captures all aspects of the design with precise calculations. Then it translates it directly to our factories. Every part of the space is included in an exact calculation of the price. Spaces are manufactured in 21 days or less and installed rapidly

Adapt to change.

Spaces built with DIRTT look and perform like permanent interiors, but can be adapted with ease. The modular approach lets you reconfigure with little disruption or downtime. Integrate new technology or make micro improvements to accommodate changing needs

We're your local DIRTT experts with the tools and know-how to harness the cost, schedule and performance benfits of DIRTT. Connect with us today to start your next project!

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Simeon Hendrickson

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The DIRTT Process:

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Come Visit Us!

Contact us to get a tour of our space.

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